William Reginald Patterson DSO

Lieutenant Colonel
Unit at enlistment: 
4th Canadian Mounted Rifles
Volunteered or conscripted: 
Survived the war: 
Paris Cemetery, Paris, Ontario
Awards or decorations: 
Distinguished Service Order, Mentioned in Despatches
Commemorated at: 
Paris Presbyterian Church
Birth country: 
Birth county: 
Birth city: 
Paris, Ontario
Address at enlistment: 
Paris, Ontario
Next of kin address: 
Paris, Ontario
Trade or calling: 
John M. Patterson Grocery and Glassware Store
Religious denominations: 
Marital status: 
Age at enlistment: 
Gallantry medals: 

Letters and documents

London Gazette: 29837
Date: November 25, 1916
Honour or Award: Distinguished Service Order
Authority: R.O. 1136. Lipsett
Name: Patterson, William Reginald
Unit: 4th C.M.R.

Details: For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led the attacking force with the greatest courage and determination and captured two of the enemy’s trenches. Later, he organized bombing attacks, and consolidated the position sending back most valuable information.

London Gazette: 29890
Date: January 1, 1917
Honour or Award: Mentioned in Despatches
Name: Patterson, William Reginald
Unit: 4th C.M.R.

London Gazette: 30104
Date: July 1, 1917
Honour or Award: Mentioned in Despatches
Name: Patterson, William Reginald
Unit: 4th C.M.R.

London Gazette: 31448
Date: July 11, 1919
Honour or Award: Mentioned in Despatches
Name: Patterson, William Reginald
Unit: 4th C.M.R.

BX November 28, 1916

Major Patterson Paris, Gets D.S.O. – Led an Attacking Force with Greatest Determination and Courage

Temp, Major William Reginald Patterson, Mounted Rifles, led an attacking force with the greatest courage and determination, and captured two enemy trenches. Later he organized bombing attacks and consolidated the position.

Twenty more Canadian officers have been decorated for bravery at the front, and in the list just issued appears the above item, which refers to Major W.R. Patterson, of Paris, son of Mayor Patterson. Major Patterson has received the Distinguished Service Order for his bravery. No notification has as yet been received by his father of the honor he has received. Major Patterson left with the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles.

BX June 28, 1917

Patterson, William Reginald

Paris Officer Wed in Paris, France – Major W.R. Patterson, D.S.O., Takes French Mademoiselle as Bride

Paris News Notes

(From Our Own Correspondent)

PARIS, June 28 – The marriage took place on Tuesday, May 15, 1917, at the Wesleyan Church, Rue Rocquepine, Paris, France, by Rev. Allan, of Major William Reginald Patterson, D.S.O., 4th Canadian Rifles, eldest son of Ex-Mayor John M. and the late Mrs. Patterson, of Paris, Ont., Canada, and Mademoiselle Elisa Eugenia Armade Magny, youngest daughter of Nancy and Madame Catharine Magny, of Paris, France – Announcement from Bulletin of Marriage, Paris, France.

BX June 19, 1953

Former Parisian, W.R. Patterson, Dies in Toronto

PARIS – Colonel W.R. Patterson, who commanded the Fourth Canadian Mounted Rifles in the First World War, died suddenly Thursday at his home, 72 Heath Street, West, Toronto.

Born and educated in Paris, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Patterson, well-known residents here.

Colonel Patterson went to Toronto in 1920 and established Sackville Shops, a firm specializing in furniture design and decoration.

He was a member of the Presbyterian Church.

While serving overseas he married Lizette Magny in Paris, France.  Surviving are his widow; two brothers, Allan, Paris, and John Brantford; five sisters, Mrs. E.L. (Nellie) Whitby, Woodstock; Mrs. G.E. (Olive) Ward, Hamilton; Mrs. G.L. (Irene) Gamble, Toronto; Mrs. Jean Martin and Mrs. Georgie McLay, both of Paris.

Colonel Patterson is resting at the Bruce B. Smith Funeral Home, where service will be held Saturday at 2.30 p.m. with Rev. Walter Kennedy officiating.  Interment will be in Paris Cemetery.

BX June 20, 1953

Native of Paris, CO of CMR in First War, Dies

TORONTO (CP) – William Reginald Patterson, 69, First World War commanding officer of the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles in which several hundred men from Grey and Frontenac counties served, died Thursday.  Considered an authority on period furniture business here 30 years.

Burial will be in Paris, Ontario his birthplace.

Surviving besides his widow are two brothers, John of Brantford and Allan of Paris; and five sisters, including Mrs. E.L. Whitby of Woodstock and Mrs. G. Martin and Mrs. G. McLay of Paris.