BX September 21, 1916
Private Arthur Butler is officially reported seriously ill in this morning’s casualty list. According to The Expositor list, Pte. Butler who is a Canadian by birth, 30 years of age, is a married man who resided at 109 Colborne Street. He joined the 125th Battalion on January 26, 1916. Previous to enlistment he was a hospital orderly.
BX January 15, 1918
Veterans Returning
A contingent of 152 returned men is expected to arrive at North Toronto Station tomorrow night and among the contingent are several Brantford men, including the following: Pte. A. Butler, 127 Chestnut Avenue; Pte. H.J. Hall, 275 Brant Avenue; Sapper H.E. Harris, 151 St. Paul Avenue; Pte. H. Jackson, 36 North Park Street, care Grandview; Pte. J.H. Liddell, 66 Cayuga Street; Pte. E.W. Pattison, 98 Oxford Street, Corp. A. Yeates
BX January 17, 1918
Three Veterans Came Home Last Evening
Three returned soldiers arrived home last night at 10.30 on the Brantford and Hamilton radial and were welcomed by Secretary MacDonald of the Soldiers’ Aid Commission and Secretary Cornelius of the G.W.V.A. A bigger deputation including the mayor and Mr. J.S. Dowling, awaited the 9.30 car, but it was an hour later before the soldiers got here. The three who arrived included H.E. Harris, 151 St. Paul’s Avenue; E. Pattison, 86 Oxford Street, who lost his right arm, and Lance-Corp. Isaac, 140 Alfred Street, who lost his right leg. Taxis were provided to take the soldiers home.
Others expected to arrive today are Pte. Butler, 137 Chestnut Avenue; H.J. Hall, 275 Brant Avenue, H. Jackson, 59 North Park Street; J.H. Liddell, 66 Cayuga Street and Corp. A. Yeates, corner Chatham and Murray Street.