Arthur Cassidy MM

Regimental number: 
Unit at enlistment: 
102nd Battalion
Volunteered or conscripted: 
Paris Cemetery, Soldiers' Plot, Paris, Ontario
Birth country: 
Birth county: 
Birth city: 
Paris, Ontario
Address at enlistment: 
Port Hardy, British Columbia
Next of kin address: 
Dawson, Yukon Territory
Trade or calling: 
Religious denominations: 
Marital status: 
Age at enlistment: 

Letters and documents

London Gazette: 30172
Date: July 9, 1917
R.O. 1236 Byng, May 21, 1917
Name: Arthur Cassidy
Unit: 102nd Battalion

Details: For gallant conduct on the 9th, 10th and 11th, April 1917, in Beggar trench carrying messages from one sector to another and guiding parties during the entire operation.  Many times under heavy shell and rifle fire.  Has received no previous reward.

BX January 26, 1928

Yukon Gold Rush Survivor and War Veteran is Suicide – Body of Arthur Cassidy Found by Brother and Tenant

PARIS, Jan. 26 – Arthur Cassidy, aged 65 years, was found dead last night at his home when his brother, Daniel, and his tenant, A. Waddington went to visit him.  He had evidently committed suicide by hanging.  He had lived by himself in an upstairs portion of his house on Walnut Street, the lower flat being occupied by Waddington.  Cassidy had been dead some hours before the body was found.  He had been in ill health for some time and it is thought that despondency was responsible for his action.  He had been a resident of Paris for the past three years, was a bachelor, a veteran of the Yukon gold rush and a veteran of the Great War, in which he won the Military Cross.  Of late he had been interested in racing horses and was often seen on the local tracks.  Members of the Paris post of the Canadian Legion have signified their intention of attending the funeral in body.