Circumstances of Casualty: Killed in Action. Was advancing with his Company South East of Sancourt, and had just crossed the Douai-Cambrai Road when he was hit in the head by a piece of shrapnel from an enemy high explosive shell and instantly killed.
BC October 16, 1918
Word was received today by John Dewar 58 Brant St., that his son, Private Charles Henry Dewar, formerly of the 125th Battalion, had been killed in action.
BX January 7, 1919
Memorial Service at Balfour Street
The session of the Balfour Street Church received at the morning service on Sunday, four members by profession of faith. In the evening a large attendance was present at the memorial service held in respect to the late Corporal Charles Henry Dewar, son of Mr. John F. Dewar, elder and clerk of the session. Corporal Dewar enlisted as a private in the 125th Battalion in the fall of 1915 and he was quickly promoted to corporal. He arrived in England in August 1916, and went over to France in March 1918. It was while going forward leading his men at the Douai Road, September 30 that he made the supreme sacrifice. Having a peculiar presentiment that something was going to happen to him, he advised his men not to keep too near. A piece of high explosive shell ended his life.
He did his bit in purchasing the liberty and peace which the world today enjoys. He will be greatly missed in every department of the church life.
The congregation stood with bowed heads while the pastor, Rev. W.L. Campbell, read the following names of those who have made the supreme sacrifice from this congregation: Pte. Edward Cahill, Pte. John Reginald Lamb, Gunner Robert Cleghorn, Pte. Earnest Ladd, Corporal Charles H. Dewar, Pte. Kenneth McLeod.
The sympathy of the congregation was extended to all those who have been called upon to mourn through the loss of dear friends in war.