Edward King MM

Regimental number: 
Unit at enlistment: 
84th Battalion
Volunteered or conscripted: 
Survived the war: 
Date of death: 
November 2nd, 1917
Menin Gate Memorial - Ypres, Belgium - Panel
Awards or decorations: 
Military Medal
Commemorated at: 
Balfour Street United Church, Sons of England Memorial Plaque, Massey-Harris Memorial Plaque (Toronto), Dover War Memorial
Birth country: 
Birth county: 
Birth city: 
Address at enlistment: 
58 Brunswick Street, Brantford, Ontario
Next of kin address: 
58 Brunswick Street, Brantford, Ontario
Trade or calling: 
Bench hand
Massey-Harris Co.
Religious denominations: 
Church of England
Marital status: 
Age at enlistment: 
Gallantry medals: 

Letters and documents

London Gazette: 30234
Date: August 16, 1917
Honour or Award: Military Medal
Authority: R.O. 1312, Currie, July 3, 1917
Name: Edward King (164296)
Unit: 75th Battalion

Details: For gallant service and conspicuous bravery during the attack on enemy trenches near La Courcelette. This N.C.O. showed great courage and initiative in handling his men under great difficulties. He was the only N.C.O. to reach a certain position of the first objective (Red Line). He had with him a party of four O.R’s. who worked their way along this trench for a distance of 125 yards where they encountered an enemy machine gun in action. The gun crew were bombed and the machine gun captured, two wounded prisoners being brought.

BX July 31, 1917

Military Medal

Mrs. Edward King, 58 Brunswick Street, has received word that her husband, Corporal Edward King, who is with the 84th Battalion in France, has been awarded the Military Medal for conspicuous bravery on the field of action.

Circumstances of Casualty: Killed in Action. While standing near his dugout on Abraham Heights, near Passchendaele, he was struck on the head by a piece of shrapnel, and instantly killed.

BX November 20, 1917

Mrs. Harriet King of 56 Brunswick Avenue received the fateful news yesterday that her husband, Corporal Edward King, who went overseas with the 84th Battalion, had been killed in action on Nov. 2. Corporal King won the Military Medal several months ago for capturing and consolidating a position at Vimy Ridge. His wife now has the medal. Two children, with his wife survive him. Before enlisting, Corporal King was employed at the Cockshutt Plow Company.