BX November 28, 1916
District Men of 84th Casualties
Many of the casualties mentioned during the past few days from the Fourth Canadian Division are from drafts furnished to other battalions by the 84th Battalion, which spent a winter in Brantford. In yesterday’s late lists there were nine original 84th Battalion men reported wounded and two as having died from wounds.
Two Brant county men are amongst the wounded and three reported died from injuries are from this county also.
Lance Corporal Frederick William Knowles, originally one of the 84th Battalion, who left Toronto in June, being later transferred to another Toronto battalion, has been wounded, according to the latest list. His relatives are in Paris, Ont.
BX February 14, 1917
More Men Home
Three more Brantford men arrived in Quebec today invalided home from overseas. They were according to a list received this afternoon by The Expositor: C. Nicholls, R. Anthony and Frederick William Knowles.
BX February 26, 1917
Paris Veterans Returned Home – Sergt. Knowles Had Arm Amputated Through Wound in Somme
Two more soldiers returned quietly to Paris on Friday night last, they being Sergeant F.W. Knowles and Private Gordon Ross. Sergeant Frederick William Knowles was in some of the severe fighting on the Somme. He was wounded in the left arm, as a result of which the arm was amputated just above the elbow. He went overseas with the 84th Battalion, but later was transferred to the 75th. He was wounded on November 18. He was in good health and speaks enthusiastically of the treatment he received in the hospitals.