Harry Foster

Regimental number: 
Unit at enlistment: 
2nd Divisional Ammunition Column
Volunteered or conscripted: 
Survived the war: 
Birth country: 
Birth county: 
Birth city: 
Kingston, Ontario
Address at enlistment: 
Grandview P.O., Brantford, Ontario
Next of kin address: 
Grandview, P.O., Brantford, Ontario
Trade or calling: 
Religious denominations: 
Church of England
Marital status: 
Age at enlistment: 

Letters and documents

BX June 7, 1915

Pte. Foster Writes Home – Last Message Penned to His Father Before He Was Wounded in Recent Battle

Robert Foster, of Grandview, has received the following brief but interesting letter from his son, Pte. Harry Foster, who was on Saturday reported wounded. The letter which is dated May 18 was evidently written a few days before the engagement in which Pte. Foster received his injury. It follows:

May 18, 1915

Dear Father,

Just a line to let you know I am still quite well. It has rained the last couple of days and we slept in an open field in it. Just had a shave this morning; did not need a wash. We went off to sleep with rifle fire playing a merry tune, accompanied by a few big guns. I met Charlie Bloxham as we marched through a village the other day. Just had time to have a couple of words. He looks well alright. Also saw Steve Cara and Jim Mounce. They were pleased to see me. A very good friend of mine got hit very badly. Would you send me some socks once in a while?  That is what we need most. We can’t be bothered washing them as we don’t stay long enough for them to dry. I am writing this on the side of the road, just outside our billet which I assure you is not like the Belmont or Kerby. Still, we should worry, getting used to anything. Received your letter the other day. I will close with best love. Remember me to any of my friends.

Your loving son,

BX June 5, 1915

Private Foster of Grandview is Wounded

Mrs. Louise Foster, Grandview, this morning received notification that her son, Pte. Henry Foster, had been wounded while fighting with the Royal Canadian Dragoons at the front. No particulars of the wound or of the incident of the battle, in which the wound was received, were given.

Pte H. Foster was a member of the 25th Brant Dragoons here. He left on August 20, joining the Canadian Mounted Rifles. He was later transferred to the Royal Canadian Dragoons, and while fighting with them he was wounded. He was 19 years of age. 

BX March 5, 1918

In Flying Corps

News has been received that Harry James Foster, North Park Street, Grand View, has received a commission in the Royal Flying Corps as second lieutenant and has qualified as a scout pilot.  Harry Foster is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Foster of North Park Street.  He left Brantford with the Dragoons, first contingent.

BX May 21, 1918

Is at Halifax

Mrs. R. Foster, North Park Street, received a telegram yesterday stating that her son, Flight-Lieut. Harry Foster, has arrived safely in Halifax and is due to arrive here Wednesday evening.