BX March 19, 1918
Returning Home
Charles Bisset, Percy Sykes, John Houison, Henry Carruthers, John Partridge, George Sutton and Thomas Tyrrell
The above list of men returning home has been received by Secretary MacDonald of the Soldiers’ Aid Commission, and the party is expected to arrive tomorrow. The usual reception by Mr. MacDonald will be tendered the men and there will be nothing special in the nature of the welcome from a civic standpoint, as it was thought at a representative meeting this morning that the relatives of the men had the first and only call on the time of the men when they first arrived home. At the meeting this morning, which was attended by Board of Trade representatives, manufacturers, ladies of the Patriotic League and representatives of other bodies, it was unanimously decided, on motion of C.G. Ellis and John S. Dowling, to give a banquet at an early date to all returned men, and that the cooperation of the Women’s Patriotic league be secured to this end. Mrs. Livingston, the president, and Miss Raymond were present and promised cooperation for the league.
Another conference will be held with the ladies when the banquet will be gone into in more detail.
The committee appointed to complete arrangements was as follows: Mayor MacBride, Mrs. Livingston, Mrs. Hurley, George Macdonald, Ald. Boddy, Ald. Harp, C.G. Ellis, George Stinchcombe, J.W. Shepperson and F.W. Thompson. There have been 366 men returned so far to Brantford and all will be included in the civic invitation to dine.
It is also proposed to hold a soldiers’ week this summer in Brantford, and the following committee was named to prosecute the matter: C. Jarvis, chairman; W. Lahey, A.G. Brown, L. Waterous. A big soldiers’ picnic is also to be arranged for, when it is hoped that a medal will be ready for distribution by the city. The idea is that of the mayor, who hopes to have a medal designed which will not be any cheap trinket, but suitable as an expression of civic gratitude and pride in the wearer.