BX December 18, 1916
Wounded in Hand
Word was received in the city over the weekend that Private John Alexander Little of 128 West Mill Street had been wounded and admitted to No. 13 Field Ambulance Hospital. His wound was in the hand and was caused by gunshot. Before enlisting Pte. Little was teaching school at Deseronto. He joined the 25th Brant Dragoons in July, 1915, and went overseas with the 84th Battalion. In England he was again transferred before going to France.
BX April 20, 1917
Twelve Brantford Men Are Reported Wounded – Canadian Casualty List Included Half Score From This City All of Whom Have Been Wounded – Gunshot in Arms and Legs Cause of Majority of Hospital Cases – First Brant Battalion Draft Hit
Private word received in this city yesterday afternoon and today added 11 new names to the already large casualty list. All were wounded on or about April 9, this being in the attack on Vimy Ridge, which resulted so gloriously for the Canadian forces.
Of all the Brantford men wounded, practically all were shot wounds in the arms or shoulders, legs or thighs. But one of the 11 was reported seriously wounded. The list of casualties follows:
Mr. Robert Little, 128 West Mill Street, received a wire from Ottawa today informing him that his son, Pte. John A. Little, with a Canadian infantry battalion, had been severely wounded in the arm and had been admitted to the Boulogne General Hospital. However, a cable was afterwards received from Scotland bringing the information that he was in an English hospital.
BX April 23, 1917
Brant Casualty List Mounts Up – 22 Today – Twenty-Two Names of Local or County Men Given Out Today – First Brant Battalion Draft Suffered Severely
Issued today is one of the lengthiest weekend casualties lists yet made public since the outbreak of war. In the list are given 19 Brantford men, all of whom with one exception were wounded. Three Simcoe men, two Paris men and one Burford man are also in the list. Many are official confirmations. The Expositor having previously mentioned them.
A late casualty list issued at noon today gives the names of Private John Alexander Little of 128 West Mill Street. Pte. Little is a Scotchman and single. He went over with a local cavalry regiment.
BX February 20, 1918
More Veterans Returned Home – Pte. Ernest Walsh Was Victim of a German Bayonet Thrust
Among the other Brantford soldiers returning home from the scene of conflict this week are J.G. Knott, Lance Corp. J.A. Little, C. Roberts and E. Williamson. Pte Ernest Walsh, West Mill Street, is also an arrival. He was a victim of a German bayonet thrust. His battalion (75th) pulled off a raid on the German trenches at Lens last June and when the operation was over he was one of the stretcher-bearers who gathered in the Canadian wounded from the German lines to prevent them from being taken prisoners. The Huns came back and in the scuffle, Pte. Walsh received a bayonet thrust in the hip, which crippled him. He managed to get across No Man’s Land, however. Pte. Walsh was attested with the famous 84th Battalion in 1915, and came unscathed through the fighting at the Somme, Regina Trench and Vimy Ridge.
Pte. Fred Clawsey who left here with the 36th Battalion in the late Capt. Findlay Fraser’s Company is also home and apparently as well as ever, although he saw 27 months service in France with the 1st Battalion. Pte. Clawsey saw nearly all the important affairs of the British offensive and was several times blown up. But escaped serious injury.
BX February 23, 1918
Arrived Home
Lance-Corporal Jack Little arrived home yesterday from overseas. He left Brantford with the 84th Battalion but was transferred to the 75th with which battalion he saw much fighting in Belgium and on the Somme front. He took part in the attack on Vimy Ridge, where he was disabled and transferred to an English hospital. He is looking well after his trying experiences.