Cause of Death: Cancer of the Stomach
Location: Brantford
BX June 22, 1917
John Wesley Tyrrell
The death took place on Thursday of John Wesley Tyrrell at his home, 55 Victoria Street. He had been a corporal in the Dufferin Rifles, and had trained at Niagara Camp for overseas service, but had been rejected before his battalion left for overseas as not fit to stand the heavy strain. He had not been well since his return from the camp. His widow and five children survive, two of these, George A Tyrrell of the Strathcona Horse, France, and Roy Wesley Tyrrell, now in the Canadian hospital at Orpington, Kent, England, being of the Canadian Overseas Forces, while Philip R., Owen and Franklin are at home. The deceased was a member of the Loyal Orange Lodge and the Canadian Order of Oddfellows.
BX June 25, 1917
John Wesley Tyrrell
The funeral of the late John Tyrrell took place on Sunday afternoon from 55 Victoria Street to Mount Hope cemetery. The services at the house and the grave were conducted by Rev. W.H. Wrighton, the L.O.L. and C.O.O.F. lodges assisting at the cemetery. The funeral was very largely attended. The pall-bearers were three members of the C.O.O.F. Representatives of the L.O.L. C.O.O.F., Dominion Express Company and Soldiers’ Aid Commission were in attendance. The deceased trained at Niagara Camp with a local battalion. Friends from out of town included Mrs. Thomas Brackenburg, Port Rowan; Mr. and Mrs. Lester, Tillsonburg; Mrs. James Tyrrell, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Pembleton, Woodstock; Mrs. And Mrs. Wilkinson, Hamilton; Mrs. Arthur and Mr. W. Swain and family, Hamilton; Mr. James Landon, Freeport; Charles Landon, Bridgeburg. The floral tributes were: Pillow, wife and family; sprays, Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anguish, George Prouse and Arthur Frank Scanlon and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Hawthorne, Mr. and Mrs. Swain and family, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Lottridge and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Silverthorne, Miss Marjorie Winegarden, Mrs. Lundy and Morley, staff Dominion Express Co., Progressive Bible Class of Park Baptist Church, C.O.O.F., L.O.L. No. 742, lower machine shop Cockshutt Plow Co., Companion Court Regina.