BX February 15, 1918
Presentation to Pte. J.N. Buck – Was Remembered on Eve of Departure from Buck Stove Works
Private Joseph Norton Buck, who leaves for the east today with the troops that have been quartered here, was presented with a purse of gold by the office staff and factory of the William Buck Stove Company, Ltd. Pte. Norton has been with the company for 15 years and was one of the most valued members of the office staff. The following address was read to which the recipient made a most suitable reply, thanking his late fellow workers for their kindness:
Dear Nort,
You are about to leave us to take part in the great world war. While we regret very much that you with the boys who have gone overseas, and those who are preparing to take the noble stand against the principles which we believe as British subjects are wrong, we are also proud of the boys who are on the firing line and those who are ready when the call comes for them to “move on” to bring about the victory we are all watching and praying for.
We sincerely hope that you will come back to us and as an evidence of our goodwill and wishes, we ask you to accept this small token, praying God’s blessing to rest upon you.
Signed on behalf of the office staff and factory, C.J. Parker, Miss A.F. Lund, W. Pierce, W. Ferguson, R.C. Middlemiss, W. Chessum, W. Moss, Don Hutton, W. Offord and Thomas Chamberlain.