BX March 22, 1916
Private S. Truckle on Casualty List – Admitted to Hospital at Wimereux with Wound in Leg
Private Stanley Truckle of the 4th C.M.R. has been admitted to No. 14 General Hospital, at Wimereux, according to a telegram received by his father this morning from Ottawa. The meager details state that he was severely wounded in the leg.
Private Truckle is a son of Richard Truckle of 5 Balfour Street, who has another son, Gordon in the same regiment. Pte. Truckle enlisted with the 32nd Battery here and went across with the 2nd Contingent. In England he transferred to the 8th C.M.R., which is now known as the 4th. After enlisting Pte. Truckle married, his wife now residing in Ottawa.
BX August 31, 1918
Two brothers, Private Gordon Truckle and Private Stanley Truckle have both been shell gassed. Two messages sent to their father, Mr. W. Richard Truckle said that Gordon was admitted to the 14th Field Ambulance, August 25. He went over about three years ago with the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles and had just recently reported for duty after being in the hospital suffering from a wound in his lung. He worked in Brantford at Hunt and Colter’s livery barns.
Private Stanley was gassed on Aug. 24 and is in the 23rd Casualty Clearing station. He made his home with his aunt, Mrs. Albert Truckle, when she lived at 50 Terrace Hill, and went over with Major Brooks, in the C.M.R.’s. Once before Stanley was wounded in the leg.