Clarence Darcy Dougherty MM

Regimental number: 
Unit at enlistment: 
33rd Battalion
Volunteered or conscripted: 
Survived the war: 
Awards or decorations: 
Military Medal and Bar
Birth country: 
Birth county: 
Birth city: 
New Durham, Ontario
Address at enlistment: 
Woodstock, Ontario
Next of kin address: 
Woodstock, Ontario
Trade or calling: 
Cheese maker
Religious denominations: 
Marital status: 
Age at enlistment: 

Letters and documents

London Gazette: 30188

Date: July 18, 1917

Authority: R.O. 1248, Byng, May 29, 1917

Honour or Award: Military Medal

Name: Dougherty, Clarence Darcy (401754)

Unit: 4th C.M.R.

Details: For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during the action of April 9th, 1917, at Vimy Ridge.  On the night of the 9th April, he led a patrol through La Folie Wood, across the Battn Frontage, bringing back most valuable information.  On the afternoon of the 10th April, he volunteered and accompanied the Scout Officer on a battle patrol, and helped to locate the presence of the enemy in La Folie Wood, bringing back valuable information, as to their disposition and numbers.  It was largely due to him that the patrols returned without a casualty.  On the morning of the 11th April, he again volunteered and accompanied the Scout Officer on a battle patrol, when they penetrated to the bottom of the wood, without finding any signs of the enemy.  On the evening of the 12th April when it was reported that the enemy were in La Folie Wood, he again led a patrol through the wood, bringing back the information that the enemy had retired.  On numerous previous occasions, he has been most daring patrolling, bringing back most valuable information, especially on Jan 3rd 1917.  When he entered the enemy’s trenches, and again on Feb 4th when he bombed an enemy’s working party, causing them severe casualties.  (A.F.W.3121. 15-4-17)

London Gazette: 30652

Date: April 25, 1918

Authority: R.O. 2938, Lipsett, March 14, 1918

Honour or Award: Bar to Military Medal

Name: Dougherty, Clarence Darcy (401754)

Unit: 4th C.M.R.

Details: For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty March 5th, 1918.  This N.C.O. was one of a party armed with revolvers only, which was proceeding into No Man’s Land at dawn for the purpose of making a daylight reconnaissance of an enemy post.  An enemy patrol was sighted in a disused trench about 100 yards away.  This patrol was immediately rushed and in the ensuing fight one of the enemy was killed and one captured, uninjured and the remainder put to flight.  The initiative and courage displayed by this N.C.O. when the unexpected situation arose, and against odds, was largely responsible for obtaining important identification. (A.F.W.3121. 7-3-18)