BX May 23, 1917
To Nurse Overseas
Miss Dorothy Mary Yarwood Baldwin, daughter of Mr. Robert Baldwin, left today for overseas, where she will act as nurse. A large number were at the G.T.R. Station to bid her farewell and wish her a safe return. Before leaving she was presented with a nurse’s chatelaine bag by Mrs. John Harold and Mrs. M. Deans on behalf of the Red Cross society, by Mayor Robinson with $10 from the town and with a cheque for $15 from the Daughters of the Empire.
BX December 30, 1920
Memorial Tablet to Heroic Nurses
In Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednesday a tablet bearing the names of four heroic nurses, graduates of the hospital who gave their lives overseas was unveiled. The nurses were Lieut. Henrietta Mellett, Lieut. Agnes McDougall, Lieut. Dorothy Mary Yarwood Baldwin and Lieut. Katharine Maud Macdonald. Miss Macdonald went from Brantford and both she and Miss Baldwin, who was from Paris, were victims of Hun raids on the hospital at Etaples in May 1918. Two overseas commanders were present at the ceremony, Colonel Reason and Colonel Seaborn, the latter being in command at No. 10 hospital, to which Miss Macdonald was first attached. Miss Stanley, the superintendent of Victoria hospital, unveiled the tablet. Mrs. Macdonald and Mrs. J.A. Phillips were present from Brantford at the impressive ceremony.
BX November 13, 1923
Dorothy Mary Yarwood Baldwin Memorial Sunroom Formally Opened – Large Gathering at Paris for Hospital Addition Opening – Prince of Wales Chapter, I.O.D.E., Erected the Structure
PARIS, Nov. 13 - Before a large and interested gathering at the Willett Hospital, Monday afternoon, the Dorothy Baldwin Memorial Sunrooms were officially opened. The members of the Prince of Wales Chapter in having erected the beautiful sunroom to the memory of one of their local members have also done a great work toward aiding in the memory of her. The president of the board of governors referred to the generous kindness of Architect Bodley, who had given his ability free in regard to the sunroom, while the contractor, Mr. W.T. Thompson had entered into the work of the erection of the sunroom with every care and attention. He was glad to announce that Mr. Thompson was now one of the Board of Governors. The proceedings of the afternoon commenced with all heartily singing “Oh God Our Help in Ages Past.”
John Harold
Mr. John Harold, president of the board of governors of the Willet Hospital, in opening the proceedings of the afternoon, referred to the good work done by the members of the Prince of Wales Chapter, I.O.D.E. in the past, of the success attending their laudable effort in providing a sunroom to the hospital as a memorial to Nursing Sister Dorothy Baldwin. Nor more fitting tribute could have been given. Therefore, on behalf of the board of governors and members of the hospital, he sincerely desired to thank the Daughters of the Empire, for they had done a wonderful service to the hospital.
Senator Fisher
Senator J.H. Fisher who formerly opened the sunroom, congratulated the hospital board, the Women’s Hospital Aid, and Miss Arthur and her efficient staff, upon the very satisfactory statement presented at the first annual meeting, also the Daughters of the Empire upon bringing to such a successful conclusion the happy thought of erecting a sunroom as a memorial to the late Nursing Sister Dorothy Baldwin. He then referred to the proud record of Paris during the war, both in men and money. The speaker referred feelingly to Miss Baldwin’s tragic passing, while at her post of duty, saying that while she did not require any memorial to keep her memory green in the hearts of those who knew her, still it was fitting that her memory should be perpetuated in this way, so that strangers might learn of her heroism. Senator Fisher then declared the sunroom officially opened, and trusted that these beautiful rooms dedicated to her memory, would bring sunshine and blessing to many.
Rev. R.J. Seton-Adamson, rector of St. James’ Church of which Nursing Sister Baldwin had been an earnest worker and devout communicant, then offered the dedicatory prayers.
Bronze Tablet
Mr. C.B. Robinson then unveiled a handsome bronze tablet erected in the sunroom by members of the Baldwin family, bearing the following inscription:
"This sunroom was erected by the Prince of Wales Chapter, in proud and loving memory of Nursing Sister Dorothy Mary Yarwood Baldwin, who was killed at the bombing of the hospital at Doullens, France, May 30, 1918.”
Mrs. A. Sinclair
Mrs. A. Sinclair, Regent of Prince of Wales Chapter, during her address referred to the organization of the Order here in 1904, and the work it had accomplished since, and in closing handed Mayor Paterson the key of the sunroom.
In accepting the same Mayor Patterson thanked the Regent on behalf of the Board of Governors. He also referred to the good work done by the Order. In closing, the mayor also thanked the various women’s organizations that had so loyally assisted in aiding the hospital.
Following the National Anthem a large number of citizens went through the hospital.
The Dorothy Baldwin memorial sunroom at the Willett Hospital is a handsome frame structure erected by Deputy Reeve W.T. Thomson under the auspices of the Prince of Wales chapter, I.O.D.E., the Daughters of the Empire have been given credit for their admirable effort in paying such a tribute, in the erection of a beautiful room, letting in the glorious sunshine. The workmanship, which was conducted by the deputy reeve, is flawless. The sunroom is two storeys high and measures 32 feet in length by 12 feet in width. Noteworthy features are the mastic floors. The interior is handsomely finished in Douglas fir in a natural color.
Miss Dorothy Mary Yarwood Baldwin died Thursday night, May 30, 1918 from wounds received during an air raid by German aviators, who bombed the Canadian hospitals in Boulogne the same day. Nursing Sister Baldwin was a graduate of Victoria Hospital, London, and very eager to do her work among the wounded heroes fighting in the cause of freedom and left Paris for overseas in 1917. She was stationed at Orpington for a while, and by her own request was transferred to the Canadian hospital in France, in order to aid in nursing the men who had left her native land. She was attached to No. 3. Military Hospital that was bombed. Numbers of helpless soldiers were killed, and many heroic nurses in their efforts to aid the men, lost their lives.
The late Sister Baldwin was born in Toronto, but came to Paris when quite young, and was educated here. She was a faithful member of St. James’ church in which she always took an active interest. She is the first of the four on the Roll of Honor in the church to have fallen a martyr in the performance of her sacred duty.
The late Miss Baldwin was an exceptionally fine type of Canadian womanhood. Her kindly sympathetic nature endeared her to a wide circle of friends who five years ago learned with deep regret of her heroic sacrifice in France.
BX June 24, 1925
Duchess Unveils Memorial Window
Katherine Maude Macdonald’s Name Inscribed on Nurses’ Memorial
The Five Sisters window in York Minster, was unveiled at 3 o’clock today, June 24. This is the national memorial to all “Sisters of the Empire who laid down their lives in the Great War. The names of 43 Canadians are on the roll among them the names of Katherine Maude Macdonald, Brantford, and Dorothy Baldwin, Paris. The roll of honor which contains the names of all women, who died as a result of their services in the Great War (over 1,370), will be inscribed on an oak screen, adjacent to the window. One of the panels will contain the names of the members of the Canadian Nursing Sisters as supplied by the Canadian High Commissioner, with their badge emblazoned thereon.
BX June 25, 1925
In Memory of Heroic Nurses – Matron A.J. Hartley Takes Prominent Part in Service – Hundreds Attend
Matron A.J. Hartley of Christie Street Hospital, Toronto, a nursing sister of who Brantford is proud, took a prominent part in the memorial services in memory of nursing sisters, who gave their lives in the Great War, held yesterday at Convocation Hall, Toronto, where hundreds gathered.
Three o’clock was the hour appointed by the National War Memorial committee in England for the services, which were to be held simultaneously in the various parts of the Empire. Great Britain’s memorial to the 1,300 nurses who made the supreme sacrifice in the war, the newly restored “Five Sisters’ window in York Minster, was unveiled by the Duchess of York during an impressive service in that historic edifice.
Forty-Four From Canada
Forty-Four names adorn the oak screen which will hang beside the glorious window in York Minster in memory of the Canadian Army Nursing Service. During the service in Convocation Hall, Matron A.J. Hartley, R.R.C. read the names while the audience stood with bowed heads. Those from Canada who paid the supreme price were: Matrons, Jessie Brown Jaggard and Margaret Marjory Fraser, and Nursing Sisters, Miriam Eastman Baker, Dorothy Mary Yarwood Baldwin, Grace Errol Bolton, Christina Campbell, Ainslie St. Clair Dagg, Lena Aloa Davis, Carola Josephine Douglas, Alexina Dussault, Minnie Asenath Follette, Agnes Florien Forneri, Margaret Jane Fortescue, Minnie Katherine Gallaher, Sara Ellen Garbutt, Victoria Belle Hennan, Leona Mae Jenner, Ida Lillian Kealy, Jessie Nelson King, Margaret Lowe, Henrietta Mallet, M. Frances E. Munro, Katherine Maud Macdonald, Clare MacKenzie, Agnes Macpherson, Pearl McCullough, Jessie Mabel McDiarmid, Rebecca McIntosh, Evelyn Verral McKay, Mary Agnes McKenzie, Rena McLean, Eileen Powers Peel, Eden Lyal Pringle, Ada Janet Ross, Mae Belle Sampson, Gladys Irene Sare, Etta Sparks, Anna Irene Stamers, Jean Templeman, Addie Allen Tupper, Dorothy Pearson Twist, Gladys Maude Mary Wake, Anna Elizabeth Whitely, (Mrs.) Alice Armstrong Wood.
Their Glorious Sacrifice
Canon W.C. Healey, who gave the inspiring memorial address, paid high tribute to the women who played their part in the hospital, the home, the factory, the field and many other places. “But there was no service,” he said, “that was finer than that of our nursing sisters, and, I would add, of our Canadian nursing sisters.
“War is waste, but the work of the nursing sister is never waste “it is always reconstructive,” declared the speaker, who graphically pictured scenes in the overseas hospitals when the sisters carried out the weary routine of sickness and death with tender skill and heroic calm in face of direct danger.
“Was it worth while? Was it worth the sacrifice of our best?” queried the speaker, “The answer to that is, it is for us to make it worthwhile by the sacrifice of our best; there is no other way.”
An impressive silence of two minutes was observed; then the organ pealed forth the strains of the sacred hymn, “O God, Our Help in Ages Past.” Rev. N.A. McEachern offered prayer, and the audience repeated the Twenty-third Psalm in unison. Rev. J.B. Grimshaw read the Scripture lesson, and the closing prayer and benediction was pronounced by Captain McElhinney of the Salvation Army. Dr. F.A. Moure, who presided at the organ, brought the solemn service to a close with the Dead March in Saul, during the playing of which the audience remained standing.
BX June 26, 1925
Brantford and Paris Nurses – Remembered by Special Memorial Service in London
Tribute was paid yesterday by Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario, to its graduates who paid the supreme sacrifice in the Great War. The little ceremony was very brief, yet very impressive and under the tablet Miss Hilda Stewart, who served in Egypt hung a beautiful wreath in memory of Lieut. Agnes McDougall, London; Lieut. Katherine Maud Macdonald, Brantford; Lieut. Dorothy Mary Yarwood Baldwin, Paris and Lieut. Maude Hanna Wingham, who died in Christie hospital, Toronto, after the tablet had been erected. They are all graduates of Victoria hospital.
BX May 23, 1933
Not beneath the blue of a naval coat nor the decoration of a khaki tunic beat always the bravest hearts. Courage animates the mould of beauty, inspires the tender breast of youth and dwells concealed beneath a simple gown of calico. Courageous deeds of Canadian women shine like beacons in the history of the Dominion.
With the memory of the hundreds of valiant soldier spirits, who today are in the minds of residents of the County of Brant, is fused the memory of two gentle, sweet-faced Canadian Nursing Sisters; Maude Macdonald, Brantford, and Dorothy Baldwin, Paris. Both lost their lives in bombing raids.
Nursing Sister Katherine Maude Macdonald, daughter of Mrs. M. Macdonald of this city was the first Canadian Nursing Sister to be killed in action. She spent her childhood days in Brantford and was a graduate of Victoria Hospital, London, Ont. She volunteered as soon as she had completed her course, and saw service in England and France. In a bombing raid on the First Canadian General Hospital at Etaples, France she was killed.
It was this month of the year, Sunday, May 19, 1918, when budding nature was full of beauty and promise that her sister nurses lined her last resting place with fragrant flowers of spring. Slowly her funeral wound from the hospital to the little cemetery at Etaples, where the last sad rites were reverently read and the challenging notes of the Last Post sounded over her grave – the grave of a Canadian heroine, whose memory today lingers sweetly in the hearts of friends, whom she called legion.
Dorothy Baldwin
Sister Dorothy Baldwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.W.Y. Baldwin, Paris and great granddaughter of Hon. Robert Baldwin, spent her early days in Paris.
She too saw service in England and France. It was also in the month of May that she was killed in action at Doullens, France, during the bombing of the hospital. With military honors she too was laid to rest in the distant land of France, where she had given her life for King and Country.
And so, today, the memory of these two brave Canadian nurses, who paid the supreme sacrifice will be recalled with affection and pride by the residents of Brant County and their names will forever be enrolled on the scroll of Canadian history.